North Fruita Desert (Fruita), CO
Distance from Denver: 264 Miles
GPS coordinates for dispersed camping: 39.269164, -108.699550
Area Amenities: Many - grocery stores, gas stations, resorts are all close to dispersed camping areas. Grand Junction is 10 minutes away.
Area Activities: Many (mostly outdoor) - Colorado Ntl. Monument, mountain bike trails, dirt bike trails, hiking, a dinosaur museum, rock climbing
Cost: Free! There is unlimited free camping in the BLM land. There is one established campground on 18 Road.
Big Camper Friendly? Yes - can easily find spots that will accommodate a 40 foot + trailer with somewhat low clearance. There is virtually unlimited camping here.
Ease of finding a spot? So many spots that you can arrive on a Friday and still find a spot.
Liz Rating: 4/5. I’ve only given Fruita 4/5 stars because camping is dusty and there aren’t as many things to do in town as there are in surrounding areas.
Cell service?: Verizon 4G LTE - all bars!
Riding- We rode directly from our campsite. Some of the best trails can be found here:
Frutia is a great place to camp if you’re looking to mountain bike or dirt bike. Something to note - many of the more challenging singletrack trails are closed through the end of April for wildlife protection. There is virtually unlimited camping here. We were able to find a space large and flat enough to accommodate our trailer/truck with no issues.

North Fruita Desert is open range - don’t be surprised if you wake up with cows outside of your camper. Pickles must be part herding dog because she sprinted across the field and tried to round up all the cows.